Giesel Award-Winning Literature for Children

If you want your kids to read more,

but are unsure of what books are considered outstanding children's literature,

begin your search with award-winning titles and authors.

Giesel Award

給小孩看的讀本獎項,其中Mo William就得了兩次。


Relatively new to the children's book award,

the Theodore Seuss Giesel Award is given annually to the best in beginning reading books.

The books should demonstrate creativity and imagination to get children excited about reading.

Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas (Henry and Mudge Ready-to-Read)
Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas by Cynthia Rylant and illustrated by Sucie Stevenson
is one of the winner. Part of the Henry and Mudge series,

this installation follows their visit to see their Great Grandpa Bill

and go swimming with him in a pond.


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